Anchorage's largest economic sectors include transportation, military, local and federal government, tourism, and resource extraction. The Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport is the world's third busiest airport by cargo traffic, surpassed only by Memphis and Hong Kong. This traffic is strongly linked to Anchorage's location along "great circle" routes between Asia and the lower 48 states. In addition, the airport has an abundant supply of jet fuel which is refined at refineries in North Pole, Alaska, or Kenai, Alaska. This jet fuel is transported to the Port of Anchorage either by rail or by pipeline to the airport. Either through direct or indirect employment the airport employs around ten percent of the city's workforce.
The United States Military has two main bases, Elmendorf Air Force Base and Fort Richardson as well as the Kulis Air National Guard Base in Anchorage. These three bases employ approximately 8,500 people and military personnel and their families comprise ten percent of the local population.
While Juneau is the official state capital of Alaska, there are actually more state employees who reside in the Anchorage area. Around 6,800 state employees work in Anchorage compared to around 3,800 in Juneau. Federal government workers also include around 10,000, many related to federal lands management. Anchorage Info Source
Our technical translation services encompass the whole transportation spectrum, namely the movement of people and goods from one location to another. We can source freelance translation resources for all modes of transport, such as air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline and space.
The service sector clients we assist operate in three fields: the public sector (government at the federal, state and local levels); the private sector (banking, insurance, retailing, hospitality, etc.); and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), aka non-profit sector.
Of course, service sector organizations can be identified in other areas that we provide services to. Some examples that spring to mind would include: healthcare clients encompassing hospitals, nursing unions and professional membership organizations (medical societies); pharmacology non-profit organizations representing pharmacists and trade lobbying groups advocating for the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector; statistical societies representing university professors and government bodies employing statisticians. We are well versed in the handling of overlapping jurisdictions and identifying the particular technical requirements of multi-sector and multi-audience assignments. |
Bi-Directional Technical Document Translation
Service for virtually any language pair
In addition to providing technical document translation
services from any language into the English, French or Spanish languages, we can also
assist Anchorage & area clients with the translation of technical material into the world's most popular
languages: English ↔ Chinese; English ↔ Arabic; English ↔ German; English ↔ Japanese; English ↔ Portuguese; English ↔ Russian; English ↔ Korean; English ↔ Italian; English ↔ Hindi; to name but the most
popular among the more than 75 languages that we can handle
When you apply for work put your best foot forward and make a lasting
impression with a résumé that has been translated by an expert who is fluent in your native language and is familiar with the technical language of the field you work in.
Don't settle for anything but the best and allow us to present you in the best possible light. |
Technical manual translation: · Training & User Manuals ·
Service Manuals · Diagnosis Manuals...Manuals, almost by definition, are technical in nature as they
invariably supply operating instructions and technical specifications that apply to a particular subject, field, business or profession.
Technical manuals are often intended for distribution to foreign markets. Foreign countries imply changes to technical specifications (electrical standards,
building codes, to name a few) not to mention the applicability of legal disclaimers, safety requirements, local usage customs, etc. We can assist
you with the localization of technical manuals and accompanying specifications. |
Anchorage Website Translation and Localization Service: We have substantial
expertise in the translation of website content.
However, our website translation service goes well beyond the translated word. We approach website translation assignments with localization
considerations in mind: cultural adaptation (appropriateness); target audience(s); search engine optimization (SEO).
Our objective is to ensure that your translated website is effective in reaching its intended audience, delivers your business message strongly and
succinctly, projecting a credible corporate image while protecting its reputation. |